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    Saturday, April 4, 2009

    Love Dare Challenge, Day 1

    So, I've been checking out my friend Matt Thien's website, following him on Twitter, etc. (Yes, I do ACTUALLY know Matt Thien. Touch me twice!) He keeps talking about this "Love Dare Challenge" thing, and so once I found out what it is, I decided I would try it. It's a 40 day commitment to do small things for your spouse/partner to make sure they know you love and appreciate them.

    Today will be day one. My challenge:

    Love is patient
    Ephesians 4:2

    The Dare
    - For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all.

    Why This Could Be Hard For Me;
    -I am not a patient person, and have NEVER been mistaken for one.
    -I love to complain. I don't mean it in a negative way, I complain to get things off my chest and then I'm done with it.

    Why This Could Be Easy For Me:
    -I adore Luke, and have a forgiveness with him that I don't have for my own brother (working on that, I promise!)

    WIll update you by day's end.

    1 comment:

    Matt Thien said...

    Call me crazy, you know Matt Thien? Yo Yo people, it's the real Matt Thien up in this place. Can't wait to read your blog Jacob...gonna be some good stuff dude!